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This book of Radhakamal Mukerjee, with an introduction of Klaus Seeland, is an authoritative study on social ecology . Social ecology is different in scope from human ecology. Since there is whole gamut of confusion about the term social ecology and its relation with sociology, here is an attempt to detail the essential principles of social ecology and its scientific fruitfulness for sociology.
This volume is an endeavour to present the major ecological concepts ...
Every Indian is proud of India's art and culture. He shall wax eloquent on how it has assimilated the invader, and how they lost their own identities and became Indians. But if asked what exactly brought about this metamorphosis, he is bound to struggle for an answer; for the history he has read had enlightened him about the rise and fall of many dynasties both Indian and foreign-but kept him almost dark on their artistic and cultural achievements. Thus the ...
Dr radhakamal Mukerjee, one of the foremost thinkers of our age, has interpreted the history of Indian Civilization from the point of view of a sociologist. He looks upon myths, legends, scripture, rituals, values and motifs as true sources of Indian history and culture. In addition to a learned introduction titled "The Indian Philosophy of History" the present book is divided into nineteen chapters and five parts: (i) The Pattern of Indian ...
Dr. Mukerjee argues that man’s role and experience in the cosmos have varied from epoch to epoch. With this the meaning cosmos have varied from epoch to epoch. With this the meaning of human community has also been undergoing a change. The Atomic Age is fateful for its unprecedented advance on total extinction. Mutual jealousy, anger, hunger, hatred and conflict threaten the continuity of the human species. Man has to face three problems for his survival. ...