Radhavallabh Tripathi

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Sanskrit language has functioned as a repository of various knowledge system and intellectual discourses for more than three millennia. With a view to bring out the holistic perspective of these systems and discourses, the Sahitya Akademi organized a national seminar on ‘India’s Intellectual Traditions as revealed through Sanskrit Sources’ during March 2013 at New Delhi. Most of the papers collected in this volumes were presented in this ...
Vada, meaning debates, dialogues, discussions, was the quintessential of Indian spirit, enabling and promoting the growth of different philosophical and knowledge systems of India. It percolated deep into our mindset and enriched the moral, ethical, religious and sociocultural edifice of anything that was essentially Indian in nature. As continuation of Anvikshiki from the bc era, vada helped thrive Indian traditional knowledge systems. It subsists on diversity ...
Natyasastra of Bharatamuni, considered as the fifth Veda, has remained a Samhita with a systematic presentation of conceptual frameworks, theories and practices of Indian theatre for a few millennium years. Every performing art of India (dance–drama) has drawn both theoretical and aesthetics values from Bharata and his Natyasastra, giving continuity to a legacy, as it was written to set models and standards for actors, artisans, and the playwrights. ...
Based on seminar presentations, the book deals with various aspects of India’s dramatic tradition starting from Bharata’s Natyashastra. Experts in the field of dramaturgy present observations on the manuscripts of the Natyashastra and performance traditions. The presentations in Hindi and English are concerned with study of the vithi and the vithyangas, definition of beauty, the narrative tradition in Kutiyattam and the concept of nayaka from Bharata ...
With the popularity of Orientalism in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, knowledge of Sanskrit in the Western world led to the emergence of new schools and disciplines for study like, comparative mythology, comparative religion and comparative linguistics, etc. The articles presented in this volume examine the state of Sanskrit studies in universities in different countries of the world (volume 1 presents a survey of Sanskrit studies in universities and ...
Sanskrit was born and nurtured in India and in course of time became the mother of many languages worldwide besides a host of regional languages, it continues to be a source of inspiration, treasure trove of knowledge and a symbol of universal brotherhood. These virtues of the great language need to be taken good care of.
There is hardly any region or district in India where Sanskrit is not studied in some form or the other. This volume 1 of Sixty Years of ...
Volume Title:Section 1. Religious traditions in Pali literature-ethical and moral values, concepts of sila, skandha, astanga marga, etc.; Section 2. Philosophical traditions in Pali literature - concept of nibbana, interrelationship with the Upanisadic thought, vis-a-vis tantra and agama, madhyamika philosophy in modern and post-modern age.
Edited with introduction and translation in Hindi and English.
Kamasutra of Vatsyayana is the first available work in Indian tradition on sex and love and social issues related to these. It is a scientific work of encyclopedic nature. There is no other work in Sanskrit presenting such comprehensive documentation on sexual behaviour, life-styles, sports an festivals as prevailing in different regions of this vast peninsula in ancient times. An edition of the complete text of Kamasutra with an authentic English translation has ...
The present volume comprises papers presented in the national Seminar on Vedic World View and Modern Science organised by the Department of Sanskrit Dr. H.S. Gour University, Sagar. The idea of this seminar was to explore the scientific perspectives of Vedas, and to delve deeply into the Vedic lore from the view point of modern scientific acumen by brining together the scientists and the pundits on the podium. Vedic seers have unraveled the mysteries of life and ...