Showing all 2 books
We called Winston Churchill a racist when he asserted, “A day would come when even air and water would be taxed in India,” then followed numerous squabbles that are attributed to the money and power seekers. We remain paying taxes even for our basic needs proving Churchill’s statement. And no more he remains a racist to this generation that encounters endless economic problems, he sounded right. Whom are we going to blame? The politicians or ...
Multiculturalism is the word of the day, be it in literature or in any other field. When at a time the concept of ‘melting pot’ was at its pinnacle, now the trend has taken a turn where minorities assimilate themselves with the main stream society and thus there is a plethora of writings and literature. All aspects related to social integration, racial segregation, cultural assimilation, issues related to the indigenous and the minority, race and ...