Raj Kumar

163 books
The book entitled “A Complete History fo Jammu and Kashmir State” is provided a true picture of the Dalit Samaj of North India as Pahari Cultural society. Book contains, new theme andhorizontal knowledge of the world community = Gulab Singh and Kashyap Rishi of Kashmir.
This brief, yet comprehensive account of those who rose to the highest position of chief of the army staff of India is inspiring and interesting. We salute them. This book is our humble tribute to their dedicated service to Mother India.
The entire village was in an uproar when the news spread that Laltu had beaten up Yuvaraj. How dare a Dom boy thrash the gauntia’s nephew, a Teli? The Telis set out to seek revenge by breaking Laltu’s limbs.
Conscious of the plight of the Dalits and the lower castes, and hoping to improve their lot, Laltu leads an uprising against the upper castes. Does he succeed? Or is he silenced and crushed by caste power?
Set in a remote village in the Kalahandi ...
It is a rare book on war strategy, organization, logistics, control and command. These great veterans not only provide theoretical, but also a practical demonstration of warfare. How these great personalities achieved their talent in warfare? What was their inheritance, early life and training? Life stories of these adventures also educate us on details of battles, diplomacy, foreign policy, politics and history of their period, hitherto little known.
The universe is an ocean of mysteries and surprises. Why and from where we have come? What is our role and aim in this life? What is death and what happens after death? Who controls or regulate our actions? What are destiny and Karma principles? Is there anything as soul and rebirth? What is the origin and power of our thoughts? Saints, philosophers and scientists have all tried to answer these queries but no universally accepted views have emerged so far. In the ...
Medical astrology is a specialized branch of Vedic astrology. It is an extraordinary predictive and counseling tool. A horoscope indicates good bad or indifferent traits and physical, emotional or spiritual characteristics of the native as per the karmic flow. A chart is only the representation of one’s Karmic implications in one’s life through planetary influences. The medical astrology helps in understanding well in advance where the human chain is ...
The evolution of human race to its present state is due to constant endeavour of each parents to see that even at the cost of their own discomfort, their children move ahead and achieve, what even they could not for any reason. The aim of education liberates a soul from darkness of ignorance to the glory of true knowledge and bliss. To acquire knowledge is a natural trail of all human beings. However these days the steam/ branches of education are so many and ...
Child is a very sweet five letter word and is the purest and most innocent creation of God. He manifests all the necessary attributes which takes one nearer to God. It is rightly said "child is the father of man". Children are the continuation of the human race into the next generation. They are a blessing from God, because it is not something that just because you want to have a child, so you can have one. In some cases, it is delayed, delayed ...
Astrology is a great science based on sound principles and theory of karma through cycles of rebirth. A horoscope is basically a map of zodiac indicating position of planets in various signs! Nashotah at the lime and place of birth. The delineation of a chart is the science and art of deciphering it s per the know1edge intuition of the astrologer and divine help available to him. Therefore the first requisite is to hair sound knowledge of nature and ...
Contents: Preface. Introduction. 1. Adil Jussawalla. 2. Agha Shahid Ali. 3. Amit Chaudhuri. 4. Arun Kolatkar. 5. Arundhathi Subramaniam. 6. Arvind Krishna Mehrotra. 7. A.K. Ramanujan. 8. C.P. Surendran. 9. Dilip Chitre. 10. Dom Moraes. 11. Eunice de Souza. 12. G.S. Sharat Chandra. 13. Gieve Patel. 14. Gopi Krishnan Kottoor. 15. Henry Louis Vivian Derozio. 16. Indira Goswami. 17. Jayanta Mahapatra. 18. Kamala Das. 19. Keki Nasserwanji Daruwalla. 20. Makarand ...