Showing all 2 books
Indraprastha Revisited is a book of the papers presented at the first ever International conference held on this most ancient and first planned city that now lies within the confines of the present Delhi, India’s National Capital. This conference was organised by Draupadi Dream Trust on 22nd and 23rd November 2016, as part of the 1st Indraprastha Festival (18th -25th Nov 2016) and was supported by Ministry of Culture, ICCR and National Museum.
Renowned ...
This book is about the history and culture of India 5000 years ago. It aims at reaching out to the common man, from young students to grown-ups, who are not aware of the various discoveries brought forth through excavations since Independence.
To illustrate the point, students from 1950s onwards have not been taught about the discoveries in the field of archaeology and associated sciences, which have disproved the theory of Aryan Invasion. Therefore, they still ...