Rajkumar Singh

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The first of its kind book 'Challenges of Contemporary India- Polity, Justice, Education, Empowerment & Judiciary' makes easier for us to understand, analyse and help solve near permanent internal problems of modern India. Today, the themes of postmodernism have made these issues all the more complex and without undoing the challenges the dominating status of India will remain exposed to harsh realities of the time. The emerging /newly defined social, ...
The book presents an analysis of the Indian Republic’s birth, growth and emerging problems. It deals with the dramatic change that the nature and content of the republic has undergone changes over the years, such as the changes relating to working of federalism, the party system and succeeding governments. Covering the subject under different heads like the Indian government around 1967 and the post-1967 republic, it provides the concept and context of ...
Handbook of Library and Information Services for Agriculture Science Students is a neeful creation for the course of Library and Information Services in Agriculture P.G. and Ph.D. programme. This innovative text features an all new approach that will change the way you think about reference service. The book covered sixteen chapters to fulfill the required information in course curriculum. The book is useful for the persons concerned in the field of library and ...
Ethnic Politics and LTTE in Sri Lanka makes a systematic and in the depth study of aspects of Sinhalese and Tamils which took an ugly shape in the independent Sri Lanka. Historical rivalry, divided and envious approach towards each other have pushed the country in decades of ethnic war but it ultimately saved the national integrity with a lesson to accept multiplicity for the overall health of the island nation.
The book Contemporary India with Controversial Neighbours is a fact finding attempt to know the actual position of Indias political system its position in world politics and its thorny controversies with immediate small/big neighbours in the era of liberalisation and globalisation which have opened a vast dimension of inter state relations. Long pending issues with neighbours are an integral part of our thinking and New Delhi wants to solve them amicably but not ...
The book Past, Present and Future of Kashmir deals in detail with the problem of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Beginning with the political history of the state in ancient times it presents a Chronology of Kashmiri rulers - Hindus, Muslims and the British respectively. When India was to become independent it was ruled by a Hindu King who failed in either way to decide the fate of the territory like other princely states of India. As a result of the Mini War ...
This volume of the book 'India and Pakistan: Social, Political and Military Perspectives' is a modest attempt to look into the historical perspective, ups and downs and further directions of the societies of India and Pakistan. For centuries and till the recent past both inherited the same social and cultural segments despite having separate identity communally and religiously. As a result of a mutual hatred fuelled by the British Policy of divide and rule both ...