Showing all 3 books
The essays in the volume are yet another attempt at re-opening gender issues which have gained ground in this post-feminist era. Despite half a century of debate and rebellion there is still an unevenness that disrupts smooth sailing. Women have not entirely come into their own and the stigma of being born one persists to plague.What is the nature of pressures and obstacles and how and where the hurdles lie is being explored afresh. The space is the literary and ...
This book has grown out of a felt-need to rethink and re-evaluate the forces that have been at work shaping the literature of the last decade of the century—literature written in English. There is no denying that what had largely emerged as insurgent writing, especially focusing on the socio-political realities of our country, has today gained wider ground, acceptability and acclaim. It has become a vehicle of articulating awareness, voicing ...
Narratives are everywhere one chooses to see. Omnipresent and omnipotent, they are an integral part of the phenomenon called 'life', giving it meaning, sustaining it, nourishing it. When we are not narrating our stories, the stories that others tell, narrate us, image us, vision us. Mirror-like, they reflect what we are and in turn make us reflect on who we are, how and why we are, what we are and who we want to be. Every glance at these bits and pieces of ...