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Environmental problems are related to the level of its economic development, the availability of natural resources and the lifestyle of its population. In India rapid growth of population, poverty, urbanization industrializing and several related factors are responsible for the rapid degradation of the environment, environmental problems have become serious in many parts of the country and hence can not be ignored.
In 1987, thirty-seven-footer Trishna, crewed by army officers, became the first Indian boat to circumnavigate the globe. They braved rogue waves sweeping away life-saving equipment, sailed through pods of whales frolicking perilously close, survived the worst storm to have hit Sydney in nearly a century, taking over fifteen months and covering over fifty thousand kilometres.
The students, teachers, and researchers often need a direct reference which is complete on the subject for teaching undergraduate or postgraduate students. The book on "Quality Control for Value Addition in Food Processing" consists of 12 chapters on Food Processing industry, Processing Plant, Processing Plant Hazards, Quality Charateristics, Quality Control and Management, Food Standards and Statutes, Food Safety Assurance Systems, Addiitives in Food ...