Showing all 3 books
Learn to play harmonium" has been written for music lovers to learn and play the popular instrument "Harmonium". The easy step by step direction guide you from basics of understanding the instrument to teaching fingering, learning the scale and octaves.
The background preparation mentioned above leads you into explanation of Hindustani notation. You learn to read and interpret the notation on Harmonium and begin to play your favorite songs.
This book covers everything you need to know to play flute and more - selection and care, reading music, flute History, Flutes around the world and modern Folk This book will appeal to all flutists, from beginning to advance. A Complete guide for everyone who plays the 'Flute' or ever wanted to. Use it along with flute lessons or even to teach yourself! This book covers everything you need to play flute and more - selection and care, reading music, flute ...