Ram Chandra

Showing all 8 books
"The present book Microbial Biodiversity in Sustainable Agriculture covering the all the information’s on area of macro and microorganisms. It mainly includes bio-fertilizers, sustainable plant diseases management, soil fertility, bio-control of insect pests, mycotoxin, and PGPR. This will provide an agricultural sustainability in basic and applied research related to plant and microbes. The manuscripts of this book are mostly invited ones from the ...
Bureau of Indian Standards, Delhi made large number of changes and alterations in IS: 456-2000, Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced concrete. Realizing the necessity and importance, authors have updated the complete text and presented this subject "Limit State Design of Concrete Structures". Ultimate Limit State (ULS- conditions to be avoided) and serviceability Limit State (SLS- limits undesirable cracks and deflections) are two main essential ...
Eight edition of this book (July, 2006) is based on Bridge Rules (Adopted in 1941, Revised in 1964 and Reprinted in 1989), and IS: 800-1984 as amended in 1997. Authors have distributed present text in the edition in thirty two chapters [that is, in Four parts (1) Steel Bridges and Influence Lines Diagrams for axial forces for the members of different types of truss-girders, (2) Special Steel Structures (3) Analysis of Structures specially, the method of tension ...
Twelfth edition, 2009 of this book is based on IS: 800-1984 as amended in 1997 and also newly revised IS: 883-1994 (code of practice for timber structures). New code of practice, IS: 800 is likely to be issued soon. It is likely to introduce ``Limit State Design of Steel Structures''. Authors have distributed the text in thirty four chapters in main text and one chapter `on Location of Shear Centre' in Appendix A. Concept of Shear Centre and bending axis is ...
Method of Limit State (Ultimate Limit State, (ULS) and serviceability limit state (SLS)) present an improved design philosophy and makes allow-ance for the short-compings of working stress method (conventional and long time used in practice). This method provides basic framework, within which the performance of the steel structures may be assessed against various limiting conditions and invo-lves some concept of probability.
Object of limit design method is to ...
This book `Design of Concrete Structures' in S.I. Units is based on working stress method as per code IS: 456-2000. All the chapters of the book have been revised and re-arranged in eight parts (32 thirty two chapters) separate aspects of design of one structrual member have been described in different subsequent chapters. In addition to above (i) the service life of concrete structures, (ii) Non-destructive tests/ Evaluation of strength (NDT/NDE) of materials ...
The Western Region of Geological Survey of India is presenting through this publication surface and subsurface geological set-up of the area to the west of aravalli range. Ana area covering more than 50,000 km2 was investigated through drilling involving 58,945 m of drilling in 69 boreholes for exploration of potash, a fertilizer mineral, besides developing the geological set-up. This project started in the year 1974 and continued till 1991.
During the course of ...
Twelfth edition, 2009 of this book is based on IS: 800-1984 as amended in 1997 and also newly revised IS: 883-1994 (code of practice for timber structures). New code of practice, IS: 800 is likely to he issued soon. It is likely to introduce "Limit State Design of Steel Structures". Authors have distributed the text in thirty four chapters in main text and one chapter "on Location of Shear Centre' in Appendix A. Concept of Shear Centre and ...