The present study aims at reading Bernard Shaw as a nationalist, attempting to extricate the rational from the irrational or romantic, though the latter is the spring of all that happens in the world--the affinities of love, the thrills of beauty, and the ecstasies of mystical religious experience. Nevertheless, all the activities that spring from our life force, i.e. our instincts and impulses are infected with pain and frustration and discomfort, but we are not ...
The book is a study of the poetry of Nissim Ezekiel in the context of Bergson creative evolution, a living, pushing force, an Elan vital. For Ezekiel, flux, not fixity is the real. But he finds that India and the people have unfortunately relapsed into the static mould where inertia reigns to mutilate and deaden life. With his kind irony that heals without hurting, Ezekiel reminds us of our spiritual heritage, which one taught us not to withhold or plan ahead but ...