Rama Kundu

Showing all 15 books
Indian English writing is a vast arena today. With new trends emerging, new talents making their mark, new creative and critical branches sprouting in various directions, as well as with the thematic varieties, technical experiments, and linguistic innovations, —it is now ‘God’s plenty.’ The extraordinary richness and variety of Indian writing today, indeed, pose a challenging task for any critic or anthologist in the area, since it has become next to ...
Thomas Hardy was equally eminent as a novelist and a poet and thus holds a unique place in English Literature. More than seven decades after his death, Thomas Hardy is still surprisingly alive of uninterrupted critical attention is a test. The nineteen essays included in the volume—thirteen on Hardy’s fiction, five on his poetry, and one on general overview—cover a broad range of critical perspective on ...
Indian Writing in English is such a vast and variegated field today that no single anthology could claim to be representative, or doing justice to the subject. Still the present anthology, which happens to be the second in the series, tries to give a quick glimpse of the range, starting from Toru Dutt, and ending with Sudhi Kakar, while including in between a glance at the grand old man Nirad C. Chaudhuri, the ‘Big Three’ early novelists along with a fourth, ...
During the last few centuries women writers have considerably widened and deepened the areas of human experience, - with their sharp, feminine perception of life successfully transmuted into verbal artifact. The world body of literature in English would have been much poorer today but for the contribution of women writers. The new series-Studies in Women Writers in English - is a grateful acknowledgement of that contribution and public recognition of their voice. ...
English is being written and read today by more people outside England than inside. This applies no less to the women writers in English across the globe who have made their unmistakable mark in English literature, especially in the last century. The present volume, -- the second in the new projected series of Atlantic publishers and distributors, studies in women writers in English--bears evidence to this phenomenon as the critics address women writers in ...
During the last few centuries women writers have considerably widened and deepened the areas of human experience with their sharp, feminine perception of life, successfully transmuted into verbal artifact. The world body of literature in English would have been much poorer today but for the contribution of women writers. The new series—Studies in Women Writers in English—is a grateful acknowledgment of that contribution and public recognition of their voice. ...
Anita Desai, a recipient of many literary awards in India and abroad, and a creative writing teacher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology since 1993, in addition to being a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature in London and Honorary fellow of the University of Cambridge, has proved herself to be a major Indian novelist of the post-seventies India, whose novels epitomize the emerging women's search for self-hood in the Indian context. Fire on the Mountain ...
During the few centuries women writers have considerably widened and deepened the areas of human experience with their sharp, feminine perception of life, successfully transmuted into verbal artifact. The world body of literature in English would have been much poorer today but for the contribution of women writers. The new series-Studies in Women Writers in English-is a grateful acknowledgment of that contribution and public recognition of their voice. The ...
The new series –Studies in Women Writers in English –is a grateful acknowledgement of the contribution and public recognition of the emerging voice of women in the arena of literature during the last few centuries, and especially in the latter half of the twentieth century. Women writers across the globe have made their distinctive mark, with their own perception of life –be it feminine, or feminist or female. The present volume, the fifth in the series, ...
The fifteen critical studies included in the book cover a wide spectrum of British canonical authors and texts that represent various genres including the ballad songs, drama, poetry, faction, short story, non-fictional prose. The essays bring delightfully fresh perspectives to bear on such rich quarries as Elizabethan drama, neo-classic play, romantic poetry, devotional literature, Victorian novel and short fiction, modernist fiction, twentieth century ...
Salman Rushdie (1947) has emerged over the years as one of the most controversial figures of our times who excites contrary feelings. But whether admired or criticized, the fact remains that Rushdie, with his commitment to struggle for freedom of expression, for speech to the silenced, for power to the disempowered, is a writer who cannot be ignored. One of the major preoccupations of Rushdie's art is the issue of migrant identity. Many of his characters are ...
The new series--Studies in Women Writers in English-- is a grateful acknowledgement of the contribution and public recognition of the emerging voice of women in the arena of literature during the last few centuries, and especially in the latter half of the twentieth century. Women writers across the globe have made their distinctive mark, with their own perception of life--be it feminine, or feminist or female. The critique of work by women writers introduced in ...
Rabindranath Tagore's long life (1861-1941) was marked by ceaseless and torrential flow of creativity manifested in the richness and variety of all kinds of literary and artistic forms. He was both a man of action and a seer, a man of royal grandeur and an ascetic. In his philosophy of life the best of the east and that of the west are reconciled into a harmonious whole. His inclusive mind aspired after the universal man shining in the glory of creation and joie ...