Showing all 6 books
Ramana Maharshi and shankara are two of the greatest and most important sages in the tradition of Advaita. This book contains some of the major works of Shankara actually translated by Ramana Maharshi. It includes Shankara’s famous The Crest Jewel of Discrimination (Vivekacudamani) and Maharshi’s Seminal Forty Verses on Reality, which is a modern Upanishad, and unmistakably give the Advaita teahing for contemporary mankind. Shankara consolidated the ...
In the 1920s and 30s Muruganar wrote Sri Ramana Sannidhi Murai, an anthology of devotional poems in praise of Sri Bhagava that was modeled on the Tiruvachakam of Manikkavachagar. These writings were titled Ramana Puranam by Bhagwan himself.
Instead of making a vain attempt to give a brief autobiography of the reknown Sage Sri Ramana Maharshi one is tempted to reproduce the glorious tribute Paul Brunton (A Search In Secret India) has paid. "The words of this Sage still flame out in my memory like beacon of lights. "I pluck golden fruit from rare meetings with wise men," wrote trans-Atlantic Emerson in his diary, and it is certain that I plucked whole basketfuls during my talks with ...
While scripture can be potent medicine for the disease of samsara, spiritual stories are like delicious sweets giving us a direct and effortless taste of sublime spiritual truths. Ramana Mahrshi was a master chef who provided a dine feast for his devotees. Timeless parables and epic tales came alive and his gracious words and inimitable dramatizations. “Such was the attraction of these stories,†said Kunju Swami, “that when we heard Sri Bhagavan beginning a ...
This work contains almost everything written by Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. His inspired compositions and a number of translations from ancient Advaitic texts, representing the essence of his teachings. They fall into two categories--those which exemplify the path of surrender through love and devotion to the Divine, and those which are more doctrinal. The first group includes the Five Hymns to Sri Arunachala of which the first poem, The Marital Garland Of ...