25 books
"How can knowledge be acquired? How can liberation be attained?..." So begins the Ashtavakra Gita – a dialogue between an earnest seeker of Truth (King Janaka) nd the enlightened sage Ashtavakra – as translated from the Sanskrit by Ramesh S. Balsekar. In this book Ramesh reveals himself as a spiritual Master for the modern age. His insightful commentary unlocks the beauty and the mystery in this ancient text. He points us to the ...
"How does one thank someone who gives you: Freedom, from guilt and regrets of the past; From fears of the future; from the idea that one is not free; Trust, in the moment that has to be exactly as it is; Acceptance of and Contentment in whatever happens? This time when I met him I understood that the Guru is not loving; He is Love. He is not kind, He is compassion. And most of all, He is not in my heart; He is my Heart. For this blessing, There is no way of ...
Insights On Huang Po And Lao Tzu We are at a unique moment in the evolution of spirituality. For centuries, sages of various traditions around the world have been expressing the Truth of non-duality; and their disciples have been faithfully preserving the teachings and passing them on. But it is only now, in this era of advances in mass communication, that it has become possible for a living sage of one tradition, to produce commentaries inspired by the mystical ...
Staying Connected To The Source When one looks around, one sees diversity and separateness in everything. Oneness is not evident anywhere. In the trials and tribulations of daily living, our link to the Source becomes obscured and often lost. Can we re-establish this link? Here, for all of us, are words of wisdom from a modern sage, which in their profound brevity reflect upon various aspects of daily living: Mind and Ego, Love and Happiness, Thought and ...
EXPERIENCING THE TEACHING Ramesh Balsekar "Light, if it goes in search of darkness will find its absence." RAMESH S. BALSEKAR is truly a rare light. Rather than dispelling darkness he helps us awaken to understanding that darkness is merely an illusion ... a mirage. With astonishing clarity he lifts us out of the morass that is our conditioned thinking and point us to the Truth that is masked by our ego. Through 24 dialogues between the Jnani ...
A perspectve, in the light of the teaching of Ramesh S. Balsekar.
Facing Life Moment to Moment, Being Anchored In Tranquility Do you really know what you want most in life? Even if you have all the success, fame and money you want, and the good health to enjoy it - are you happy and fulfilled? Why is it that we all find ourselves seeking something more from life - all the time? Now, a modern sage points out that each one of us, at some time or the other, has a taste of what that is: an uninterrupted experience of peace and ...
In un'era in cui la personalita individuale viene particolarmente accentuata e si tende a sottolineare I'importanza di ciò che uno ha "fatto", conseguito o creato per raggiungere una "rializzazione mondana, gli insegnamenti non dualistici di uno dei più importanti Maestri contemporanei di Advaita Vedanta, Ramesh Balsekar, lasciano il lettore senza parole per La chiarezza che contengono. L'essenza dell'insegnamento ...
TRUTH CANNOT BE DESCRIBED OR explained. Truth is "What-Is" and the acceptance of it. Every word that is uttered concerning Truth can only be a pointer towards it. The understanding of Truth cannot be achieved. It can only happen… And when it comes, it cannot be accepted unless the mind is empty of the "me" and the heart is full of Love.
Meeting The Challenges Of Daily Living In A Calm, Peaceful Way Change, unceasing change which is the very basis of life and living, is what Let Life Flow is all about. Ramesh says that life is like a deep river, flowing incessantly, whereas the day-to-day living for most people is a preference for the security and stagnancy of the little pools beside the river. What happens in life is that the challenge is always new, but our response is old because it is formed ...
"So, you've come at last, have you?"These words, uttered by Nisargadatta Maharaj, greeted Ramesh Balsekar the first moment he entered Maharaj's tiny loft room near the red-light district in Bombay. Having never met the sage until that day, Ramesh thought Maharaj must be talking to someone else – but there was no one else there. Thus began the relationship that would lead of Ramesh's transformative awakening. Aged 60 and recently ...
Consciousness is all there is. So "who" is to know or seek "what"? All there is is the impersonal functioning of Consciousness, or God, reflecting within It self the totality of manifestation. Live life making decision and accepting the consequences as if you have free will — knowing it is Consciousness seeking, doing, living deciding... Ramesh Balsekar is an awakened sage whose long life has been devoted to Ramana Maharshi and whose ...
Most spiritual seekers have no real idea of what exactly it is that they are seeking – even after having spent years chasing the chimera of Enlightenment. It stands to reason that if you want something desperately you would take great pains to find out what it did for those who have 'got' it. So if you desire Enlightenment, it would make abundant sense to at least check out what the 'Enlightened' ones have to say about the state of ...
The Sage of Arunachala preferred to teach in silence. But when he did use words, he used few and he used them with telling effect. What struck you most about what he said was the authority of knowing that backed each word uttered. Though all of what Ramana said was rich with meaning, if one has to grasp the very core of his teaching, one needs to sieve and filter, doggedly staying focussed on the very fundamentals of what he taught. Even those who have read many ...
The Divine Banker contains a series of Abhangas (devotional poems) written by Shrish S. Murthy, a devotee of Shri Ramesh S. Balsekar. The devotee just couldn't help not writing them down. The words contained in this book expound the simple understanding hidden in Advaita philosophy. In all the abhangas the author sticks to the basics of the teaching. This helps in pushing the seeker's thinking mind substantially into the background. How does it help? Read ...
Ramesh S. Balsekar, an awakened sage, discusses the philosophy of Advaita with an inspired clarity. Speaking and writing in English, he has authored over twenty books and has spoken with seekers daily from his Mumbai home for the last two decades, offering unique insight into the basic premise of this philosophy, that all there is is Consciousness. Serving as a translator for Nisargadatta Maharaj, his Guru, and being a devotee of Romana Maharshi, he brings the ...
You think the proposition is preposterous, don't you? You have always believed that enlightenment would get you lasting happiness, even bliss. In fact, you have believed that a prerequisite for "getting" Enlightenment was shunning happiness, maybe even embracing pain. If that is so, welcome to a refreshingly new understanding. What Pursue Happiness And Get Enlightened does is to turn the whole subject of enlightenment or self-realization on its ...
'The Ultimate Understanding' is, according to Ramesh himself, "a book containing the full essentials of the philosophy of Advaita or Non-duality. It is perhaps the most explicitly expressed and exquisitely presented book on this subject. What is the ultimate understanding? That there is no one to understand anything." A rare gift to anyone and everyone seeking insights into how life happens, 'The Ultimate Understanding' is perhaps the ...
Clear the confusion and empty the mind for salvation to happen. This book shows you the way. Conditioned as they are by hundreds of years of confusion, spiritual seekers have come t have the idea that the self realized sage is a kind of superman, a 'perfect' human being, totally in control of his mind and body, totally disciplined, whom everybody looks up to for advice and guidance in all situations in life, and who will protect his disciples from all ...
Seeking spiritual truths over three days with Ramesh Is there any such thing as free will? Is everything in life predetermined? Does God play dice with the universe? Questions that intrigue seekers of the truth, are answered with great insight, sincere earnestness and absolute clarity in Ramesh''s typical free-flowing dialogues, spiced with his delightful good humor, during the morning ''satsangs'' or meetings with visitors from all over ...
See What You Truly Are! Ramesh Balsekar's teaching is simple to grasp. He shows us the way to peace and harmony in daily living, while facing life from moment to moment. Accepting the words of the Buddha that 'Events happen, deeds are done, but there is no individual doer of any deed,' is a gateway to this peace. All actions are happenings which could not have happened unless they were ordained by the Source, which some identify as God. In this book, ...
The Man Of Understanding Lives His Life Like God Whatever I decide and do in any situation, depends on two factors: my genes and conditioning, which God has made. Whatever action I do will, of course, have its consequences - good, bad or indifferent - as judged by society, which I have to accept. The fact remains, however, that I cannot make a mistake. I cannot commit a sin. Therefore I live like God, not afraid of living and not afraid of dying.
Ramesh S. Balsekar: negli ultimi vent'anni, i moderni in segnamenti di Ramesh, hanno toccato i cuori di migliaia di ricercatori spirituali di ogni parte del mondo. Il suo messaggio senza tempo, e il suo approccio diretto semplice e facilmente comprensibile lo hanno reso uno dei preminenti Maestri del non-dualismo. La semplicità, Ia chiarezza, ma soprattutto Ia praticità del suo particolare insegnamento, ha influenzato Ia vita di milioni di ...