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In countries like India, strengthening of agriculture is critical for facing the challenges of rural poverty, food insecurity, unemployment and sustainability of natural resources. But, there is a need to redefine agriculture as the science and practice of activities relating to production, processing, marketing, distribution, utilization and trade of food, feed and fibre, which implies that agricultural development strategy must address not only farmers but also ...
All living creatures, including humans, depend on nature for their food. Humans are not only hunters and gatherers, but also farmers. We live from hunting and fishing, agriculture and animal husbandry. Most of our food consists of agricultural products, which are usually seasonal and spoil quickly. To make food available throughout the year, humans have developed methods to prolong the storage life of products: to preserve them. The rotting process can be ...
This book is an outcome of the series of research studies undertaken by the author on the theme of WTO, Trade Liberalisation and Indian Agriculture during the last six years. The book compares trade performance and trade flows of agricultural commodities in pre and post WTO period to find the impact of Uruguay Round Agreement on India’s agricultural trade. The author presents indepth analysis of behaviour of international prices and discusses ...
Agricultural diversification as a strategy to achieve important development goals has received increased attention of policy makers in the country during the recent years. The strategy envisages changes in production activities of farm sector, to adjust to changes in economic environment and to face the challenges of persistent unemployment and natural resources degradation. The broad objectives of this strategy are to raise per capita income through opening of ...
There is a renewed interest in preferential trading agreements (PTAs) partly to face the challenge thrown by multi-lateral trade liberalization and partly to benefit from the gains offered by PTAs, particularly RTAs. This book discusses the debate on the impact of PTAs on trade creation and trade diversion and whether PTAs are building block or stumbling block for multi lateral trade liberalization. While number of PTAs have grown in the world after WTO, Asia as ...