Showing all 3 books
The present collection, consisting of 20 short stories, published originally in various popular magazines and literary journals, portrays a wide world of rural and urban people, of simple people with cunning exploiters, of cheats and pickpockets, and of corrupt practices behind altruistic activities. It depicts too the world of women-submissive and suppressed, but also courageous and vindictive ones capable of turning the world upside down.
By using subtle irony, ...
This book is my autobiography-an x-ray of my soul, carrying an account of my early innocence and shameful idiocies, my dreams and disillusionments, my grievances and ecstasies, my voracious readings and prolific writings, my friends, well-wishers as also conspirators. It points out too my determination and achievements amid jealously-planted road blocks and maliciously-filed court cases. My ancestral and rural background, my grandparents and parents, my early ...
Coils of the Serpent is a novel portraying the life of Chandan Mohan, an energetic youth of Danpur village, who grows up in its pastoral surroundings, strives to harmonize its hostile communities, transforms its festering and pot-holed main street into a brick-lined road, initiates the adult education programme, and strenuously endeavours for its all-round progress. Unfortunately, he is constantly threatened by the coils of serpents—both natural and ...