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In the garden of Civilisation and Culture, religion is generally observed as a tascinating flower. Flower is viewed from its elegance and iragrance. Efflorescent in Eastern India, Sahaja- yana, from Seventh Century A.D. onwards exerted a splendid fascination over the minds of the people of India and even abroad by its lofy ideas ideal ideals. By its principles, philosophy and pragma.ism it advocated a system of Anuttara yoga, or transcendental meditation, ...
Bodhipathapradipa is unanimously construed as the magnum opus among the compositions of Dipankara Srijnana (Atisa). As a religious text composed by a Buddhist mendicant of India as well as Tibet, it reconciles the doctrines of the different schools of Buddhism (Madhyamika Sunyavada, Vijnanavada of Yogacharins and the doctrines of Mahayanic Sutras) in its tenets towards the ealisation of Bodhi or perfect enlightenments. But as Rgveda being a book of hymns of ...
The work is a valuable text of Tantric Buddhism in general and of Sahajayana in Particular. Like all other Tantric Buddhist Diddhas of her age, Laksminkara professed the realisation of the natural and innate proclivities and advocated that Absolute Truth cannot be realised in an inhabitance in solitude in the renunciation of the world and worldly livings, She professed that all-in-Universe and Universe-in-all are one and the same and advised that this Supreme ...