Showing all 9 books
A fiery proponent of the independence of women, Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain (1880-1932) was denied formal education, but emerged as a leading thinker and writer of her time and founded a school for girls. Set against the backdrop of surging nationalism and reform in the twentieth-century Bengal, this selection of writings by Rokeya captures the true spirit of a South Asian proto-feminist who is every bit as radical as her contemporaries-Virginia Woolf and Charlotte ...
Every time Shakespeare is read or taught one faces a challenge: how to make him comprehensible to the eager student. This is what the present work daringly sets out to do. It provides the reader with biographical socio-political and the literary background of Shakespeare.
Within his three genres of plays tragedies comedies and histories Shakespeare showed great variety. Taking up tragedy only all four of the prevailing types are to be found in him. ...
Every time Shakespeare is read or taught one faces a challenge: How to make him comprehensible to the eager student. This is what the present work daringly sets out to do. It provides the reader with biographical socio political and the literary background of Shakespeare.Julius Caesar belongs to the group of the Roman plays. It is both a history play and a tragedy. There are three plays within this group Julius Caesar Antony and Cleopatra and Coriolanus. There ...
The present book aims at making Shakespear's The Merchant of Venice more comprehensible to the common reader. Beginning with the life and works of Shakespeare, the book provides a scene-wise critical summary of the play so that, as the reader castes his eyes over them, he becomes familiar with the common critical view about the individual scenes themselves. It has numerous citations from the text so that even if the reader is not familiar with it, he will have a ...
This critical study of twelfth Night aims at making the play more comprehensible to the common reader. It contains a scene-wise critical summary of the play and process to an analysis of all the different elements of poetic drama. The views of renowned critics are given alongside the analyses, accompanied by copious citations from the text. These features make the book useful for the concerned students as well as teachers. A brief analysis according to Sanskrit ...
King Lear is one of the most difficult plays of Shakespeare. It takes ordinary jealousies, demand for love, sibling rivalries, desire for money and power, and petty cruelties to the extreme on one hand and portrays old age in all its vulnerability, helplessness, pride and wisdom on the other. The present study aims at making it more accessible to the serious student of Shakespeare. Besides providing the socio-political background of Shakespeare's milieu, it gives ...
To make Shakespeare comprehensible to the eager student is a challenging task and this is what the present work sets out to do. It provides the reader with the life and short notes on the works of Shakespeare as well as his socio-political and literary background. A scene-wise critical summary of The Tempest is given so as to make the reader familiar with the play. Numerous quotations have been given from the text that enable the reader to have an acquaintance ...
A Midsummer Night's Dream is acclaimed as the best of the early comedies of Shakespeare. It brings together the elements of romance, supernatural forces and earthy common sense in an unprecedented blend of magical harmony. The present study aims at making the text more accessible to the serious student of Shakespeare. Besides providing the socio-political milieu of Shakespeare's time, it gives a scene-wise critical summary of the text. It contains numerous ...
As You Like It has been acclaimed as the best of the golden comedies of Shakespeare. It brings together the elements of romance and pastoralism to form an inextricable blend that was possible only for him. The present study aims at making the text more accessible to the students of Shakespeare. Besides providing the socio-political milieu of Shakespeare's time, it gives a scene-wise critical account of the text, thus providing ample opportunity for the reader to ...