Showing all 5 books
Nature is seldom so simple and tractable; instead, it has many different dimensions. This is particularly true of geographical environment because its subject matter includes many complexities, inter-related concepts and phenomenon involving several heads of organisation. To obtain an overview of modern geographical environment, a student needs to assimilate a great many ideas. Ideally, a reader would knew everything in the present work before beginning to read ...
Polar regions - Arctic Ocean in the north and Antarctica in the south - are permanently covered with ice or snow. The average temperatures of even the warmest summer months rise only a few degrees above freezing point and in the summer the seas are covered by floating ice. The core of the high Arctic is a great ocean, 5.5 million sq.m. in area, covered all year by ice that drifts about the North Pole. Antarctica, by contrast, is a disc of land, with the South ...
Geological environment is and has remained a miraculous area of curiosity to scientists as this has tremendous impact on the life on the earth. The present book is designed to bring together in a simple way the fundamentals of geological environment in the light of latest researches and developments in the field.