Ravinder Kaur

Showing all 15 books
Marriage has long been central to the study of kinship and family and to imaginings of culture, identity and citizenship. If the deeply gendered nature of marriage has been critiqued by feminist researchers, the conjugal contract has been the subject of debate in the legal domain and the economics of marriage and of the wedding ceremony figure in the discourse on development.
Engaging with these and other strands is Marrying in South Asia, a volume which looks ...
Women have remained the suffering segment of humanity since the known period of history. In the modern and post modern periods of history too women have been by and large at the receiving end and especially so in the under developed countries of the world. Even in the developing countries their position has been far from rosy. In recent years problems of women have acquired new dimensions of increasingly complicated nature. Under the pressure of imperatives of ...
It is matter of immense gratification as well as academic privilege for me a teacher of yester years to write a few words of introduction to the collection of reflections and view points of working academicians who participated in 3 stages seminar on Self Culture organized by Malwa Central College of education for Women Ludhiana under the aegis of University grants Commission New Delhi. Te probing title of Seminar Journey Towards Self Culture is a penetrating ...
In a democratic set up, the performance and effectiveness of government, depend on the quality and wisdom of legislative leadership. The role of opposition as alternate masters is equally important. Under these circumstances, it is a matter of great interest to examine the socio-economic conditions under which such individuals emerge, enter into the system of leadership and wield power and authority. The present study aims at analysing the socio-economic origin ...
An oft-neglected theme in studies on communal violence is the role of the state, particularly of its institutions of law enforcement and policing. Recent experience with religion-based violence in South Asia-particularly, the 2002 riots in Gujarat-has brought into sharp focus this relationship between communal violence and partisan state institutions. These major incidents clearly seem to have done away with the state’s assumed role as a neutral arbiter between ...
Self-empowerment in its simplest terms implies taking change of every sphere of one's own life. Social empowerment being the key foe badly needed reforms in society, self-empowerment come to the fore as the first step in the process. The present book aims to initiate this process by bringing forth a collection of essays, penned by eminent sociologists, on the issue of education and educators, women's emancipation and spirituality. It should prove to be an ...
Since 1947 is about a series of events--the departure of the British, the inauguration of the post-colonial Indian state, and an unprecedented forced migration that followed partition. Most importantly, it summarizes the nearly six-decade-long efforts at restoring the loss of homes, livelihoods, and national territory in 1947. This study tells the story of Hindus and Sikhs from the North West Frontier Province and West Punjab who made India's capital their hew ...
Urban-rural relations have been conceptualised and interpreted in terms of diverse processes like separation, polarisation, opposition, domination/subordination and more recently nexus formation. Infact urban-rural relations have always been interdependent even though the intensity, nature, extent and direction of these relations have been varying in time and space. In a similar vein the book brings forth the changing nature and intensity of urban-rural ...