Showing all 6 books
Sikhism as a universal religion has the flavour of the time and condition of Punjab of the times of the Gurus, with its clash of two great religions and also is a call to men to rise above these local limitations to see from new heights the road to a higher and nobler version of man. This is clear from the fact that any man who translates the Guru's Word into the language to which he is accustomed to, will feel his heart touched. The ethics and values of Sikh ...
Many of the key problems and concepts of ethics go back to the time of the Vedas and the origins of Vedic philosophy. The earliest documents to be studied are the Veda-Samhitas and their culmination as the Upanishads. The schools of Jainism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity also provide an excellent psychological analysis and form important sections in the history of ethics. This book is addressed to any reasonably intelligent human being who seeks answers to ...