Ravishankar Kumar Singh

Showing all 9 books
This book attempts to explain the various dimensions of Indian economy. Providing a glimpse of economic history of India, right from the Indus Valley Civilization upto the present, it describes in detail the important characteristics of India’s economic policy.
Taking a close look at the state of agriculture in the country, it discusses at length the need of economic reforms, economic development strategy, infrastructure development, economic planning, and ...
Sustainable Development is a process of change in which the exploitation of resources, the direction of investment, the orientation of technological development and institutional change are all in the harmony, and enhance both current and future potential to meet human need and aspirations. Any serious attempt and reducing poverty requires sustained economic growth of income in developing countries. Sustainable Development requires not just to economic growth but ...
At the beginning of the 21 century, "Globalisation"--a term first used in 1985 by Theodore Levitt--has become a household name in all corners of the world. It connotes pervasiveness, inclusiveness and sweepingness with epidemic and pandemic implications in international trade and financial relations. It is a new avatar of the 18 century imperialist, colonisation and exploitation and the 20 century neo-liberal economic fundamentalism. In its global scope ...
Of late, the banking industry has undergone rapid changes, followed by a series of fundamental developments. Most significant among them is the advancement in information technology as well as communication system. This has changed the very concept of traditional banking activities and has been instrumental behind broadening the dissemination of financial information along with lowering the costs of many financial activities. Information technology and ...
With the advent of continuous economic reforms the economy has recorded average growth rate of around 6% in the last decade. One major reform that has taken place in the area of attracting foreign investment into India, via either the foreign direct investment (FDI) route or from foreign institutional investors (FIIs). FDI is very stable by nature as it usually enters for long-term projects. It also helps to generate employment and bring in the latest ...
Agriculture and allied activities sector is the most important segment of the economy. Technological progress and introduction of scientific agricultural inputs have made remarkable improvement in agriculture and allied activities. It is technological innovation and efforts of devoted scientists, which enabled us to achieve strategic breakthrough in agriculture. The process of diversification in agriculture, the success of technological breakthrough is area ...
The signing of the GATT accord by 120 countries at Marrakesh on the 15 of April, 1994 is possibly the greatest endeavour towards human accord in the second half of the twentieth century just as the founding of the United Nations was the greatest achievement of the first half of this century. Thus, establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) which is the embodiment of the result of Uruguay Round held during a long period of about eight years from 1986 to ...