Every Indian temple has a story behind it. Many have several stories, told by different storytellers and spanning many centuries. In most of them history and mytholo-gy weave into each other making the legends almost completely believable. Vishnu, searching for his beloved Lakshmi, chose the Seshacha-lam hills as his abode. Vaishnavi, who was created from the powers of the three su-preme goddesses to fight evil, transformed into the meditating goddess Vaishno ...
This Pack Includes the Following Titles
Valmiki's Ramayana: Valmiki's Ramayana is believed to be the first poetic work written in Sanskrit; it is, therefore, referred to as the Adikavya. It is said that Brahma assured Valmiki that "as long as the mountains stand and the rivers flow, so long shall the Ramayana be read by men". In the Puranas, Rama is described as an avatar of Vishnu, but Valmiki does not refer to him as God. The few verses which do so ...