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Economic policy of any nation is a powerful instrument on the part of policy makers to direct the economy in the desired direction if formulated such a policy properly and implemented effectively. Most of the nations of the world formulate their economic policy keeping into consideration immediate as well as long term requirement of the nation. The economic policy adopted by the developed nation can different what has been adopted by the developing nations. The ...
Economic Reform measures have been initiated in the nations all over the world to bring prosperity in the life of peoples. This measures have been initiated to open the hitherto closed economy removing all the barriers. All the control have been lifted and left the economic activities for free competition. It is hoped that economic reform measures formulated and implemented with utmost care the nation and in turn the people enjoys prosperous life. In this book ...
The nations of the world depend on each other for fulfillment of their requirements. This tendency provided rise to study International Economics. This book is a study of International Economics relations established during the process of international trade and movement of factors of production such as capital, labour etc. International Economics is the special branch of study which is relatively technical and complex. In this book efforts have been made by the ...
The Indian Economy in the era of economic reform seen herculean challenges. The process of economic reform started in the beginning of nineties has completed more than a decade and now it is quit appropriate time to evaluate changes that have been taken place after the process of economic reform implemented. During the process of economic reform a large number of trends have emerged in the field of international economics, poverty alleviation and financial ...
The process of economic reforms initiated by most of the nations of the world, irrespective of their level of economic development in anticipation of overall economic development of their economy. It has been mentioned that initiated stage of economic reforms may be painful but its far reaching consequences will be quite prosperous. In developing economies more decades have been passed since the process implemented. It is high time to evaluate as what we have ...
The Economic and Financial Developments are considered quite desirable for the growth and prosperity of an economy. These developments are normal phenomenon and should be appreciated even the same seems to be painful for the time being as their long-term effect prove quite beneficial. In the present book efforts have been made to highlighten some of the important economic and financial developments taken place in every kind of economy during the era of planned ...