Empowerment of women has emerged as an important issue in our society in recent times. The economic empowerment of women is being regarded these days as a sine-qua-non of progress for a country, hence the issue of economic empowerment of women is of paramount importance to political thinkers, social scientists and reformers, women activists, politicians, academicians and administrators. The book is a sincere effort to explain and analyse the multifaceted and ...
India, with its phenomenally long historical traditions has presented several contrasting images of women, praised as a goddess, extolled as the mother of humanity and skyrocketed as the real creator of mankind. In actual practice, however, women are stigmatized as the weaker sex meant to bear all kinds of human oppression and male atrocities. In the post-independent India, especially since 1980s, the empowerment of women has been recognized as a central issue in ...