Showing all 2 books
Homeopathy for Common Ailments is practical, beautifully illustrated guide that explain and demystifies this safe and simple form of treatment. As well as offering guidance for treating children and using homeopathy for first aid, the book will help you to select and use widely available homeopathic remedies to treat frequently encountered physical and mental health problems such as: anxiety; indigestion, chickenpox, coughs and croups, shock, travel sickness, ...
Gentle, sympathetic and safe, homoeopathy is a system of healing that acts deeply to restore the whole person, making lasting cures at all levels: physical, emotional and mental. Homeopathy for Common Ailments is a practical, beautiful illustrated guide that explain and demystifies this safe and simple form of treatment. As well as offering guidance for treating children and using homeopathy for first aid, the book will help you to select and use widely available ...