Showing all 15 books
J. Krishnamurti is one of the most revolutionary thinkers of our age. To listen to him or to read his books is an experience by itself. He challenges every norm and value of individual as well as social life. He is not interested in mere outer changes he stands for a fundamental transformation. What he calls the mutation of the mind. He states that there must arise first the New Man before a New Society can be brought into existence.
The present book deals ...
For B.E./B.Tech. & Other Engineering Examinations. A chapters on A.C. Network Analysis has been added to make the book more useful.
It meets the need of the readers who want to gain a sound understanding of the principles of electrical engineering.
The central theme of discussion in this monograph revolves round the problem of man's self-transformation in the midst of an artificial and soulless civilization. According to the author, the solution to the problem lies in a synthesis between 'the two principal traditions of India' - Yoga and Tantra which he defines as philosophy and practice. In his view, only on a successful synthesis between the two depends the full flowering of the individual, and only 'a ...
The message of the Gita has in important and a practical bearing on the problems of the modern age. It shows a way out of the complexities of the mind to complete and unfettered freedom of the Super-Mind. This path is not meant only for the few, it can be trodden by all who seek freedom from life's entanglements. Modem man is indeed besieged with great inner conflict and it is this conflict which has caused the utter disintegration of his psychological life. The ...
In the Dialogue with Death, the author presents the superb mysticism of Sri Aurobindo as he has expounded it in his own inimitable style in the exquisite poem Savitri. Without any exaggeration, one may say that Sri Aurobindo’s Savitiri is not only a monumental work, it is indeed a book of the century. In this book, we see Sri Aurobindo’s many splendoured personality. Here he is seen as a yogi and a philosopher, a mystic and an occultist, a poet and a ...
Modern theosophical literature, vest and varied as it is, contains two exquisite gems of profound mysticism. They are Light on the path and the Voice of the Silence. The latter was the last gift of H.P. Blavatsky to the world, as it was published only two years before she passed away. This book has a great relevance today as much confusion prevails all over the world regarding Yoga and Meditation, Spirituality and Psychism. The Voice of the Silence helps one to ...
The Journey with Death deals with the problem of Death as well as the problem of Life. Avoiding the traditional approach to Death which consists of a description of the After-Death condition, the author has tried to find a solution for the problems of Survival and Reincarnation, of Communication with the dead and of the Interval between two lives. He has also dealt with the problem of Separation which Death poses to ordinary men and women. The author would prefer ...
Coming in the wake of his earlier books. Yoga-The Art of Integration and The Nameless Experience which dwelt on the philosophy and psychology of Meditation, this work treats the subject from a purely practical standpoint. The theme of Meditation is discussed in terms of the three main constituents, namely, the Brain, the Habit mechanism and the Mind. The revitalization, the modification and the transformation of the triad respectively would usher in the wholeness ...
From Kabir To Krishnamurti (referred to in the book as Krishnaji) is a far cry. For, they are separated one from the other by over five centuries. But quantitative measurement of this distance in terms of time is extremely mis-leading. This distance has a qualitative aspect which cannot be measured in any time-scale. Two great seers lived in two completely different worlds-with no comparison between the two. And yet they expressed their thoughts and experience ...