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Nagaland lies between 25 degree 6’-27 degree 4’ and between 93 degree 20’-95 degree 15’. It is hilly and mountainous with deep gorges and steep slopes bordering narrow valleys and has a geographical area of 16,579,00 ha. The state consists of a narrow strip of hilly area running from the northeast to the southwest, which is located in the northern extension of the Arakan Yoma ranges of Myammar.Studies on the Fish Fauna of the state have ...
The amphibians of North East India have been worked out by many scientists in the past. The Monographic work by Chanda (1994) deals with 54 species of Anurans from North East India had been the most comprehensive account on the group so far. Under the Conservation of Biodiversity Programme, the Government of India is taking Biological Sciences to the masses. Towards this effort, the Zoological Survey of India is bringing out publications to ...
Caecilians or limbless amphibians fall under the order Gymnophiona of the class amphibia. The mostly fossorial and tropical Ichthyophiidae and its sister Taxa Uraeotyphlidae are the only caecilian families restricted to Asia (Gower et al., 2002). They are believed to have been dispersed from India to South East Asia. The latter with a single genus is restricted to the Southern part of the Western Ghats. Ichthyophid taxonomy is not adequately established to enable ...
The Project was approved initially with three field surveys during the financial year 2005-06 (Assam and Arunachal Pradesh; Mizoram and Tripura; and Manipur). Two more surveys were sanctioned during 2006-07 (Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh). The first survey under the project was to Assam and Arunachal Pradesh and was conducted between 27th May to 5th June 2005; the second survey to Mizoram and Tripura was conducted between 12th to 26th September 2005; the third ...
The present report is based mainly on surveys conducted by Eastern Regional Station, Zoological Survey of India, Shillong. In all, seven surveys were conducted during 1998-2003. Collections from earlier surveys from these areas have also been incorporated to get the overall faunal picture. The list of birds and mammals as recorded in the Fauna of Meghalaya (Part-I, Vertebrata) is also incorporated.