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With these characters as a guide it should be easy to classify any of the larger organisms into plant or animal, but difficulties arise when we come to some of the smaller organisms. Thus the fungi are heterotrophic but they are static and they have indefinite growth: they do not fall readily into either category--plant or animal. Fortunately the issue is not important and no one to day insists on this binary classification of all groups of organisms.
Botany is concerned with the varieties of plants their development, growth and improvement. The plants depend to a great extent on soil and water. The plants also are subject to various diseases. The present book provides for students, who are opting for botany as a field of specialisation.
The highest possibilities of a microscope are only attained by the aid of the comparatively new "apochromatic" objectives an their compensating eye-pieces, but their high price and the necessary accessories, may be taken for the present to place them outside the use of those for whom this book is intended. Besides the compound microscope to which we have hitherto exclusively referred, a simple, or so-called preparation of dissecting microscope is also ...
Eco-system made up of physical, chemical and biological processes with in a space-time of any magnitude. It is made up of three basic components--biotic (biome); abiotic (habitat) and energy components. The ecosystem is a unit of organisms connected to one another and to their environment within given space and time unit. It is powered by energy of different sorts but the solar energy is the most significant (radiation) and trends to be relatively stable ...