Showing all 4 books
For over five decades, Komal Kothari has journeyed through Rajasthan exploring its rich cultural and musical traditions. Neither an old-fashioned seer nor a modern academician, he has developed an understanding of people’s knowledge systems in a manner that is uniquely his own. In this book, Rustom Bharucha attempts to map his vast experience of the desert, drawing on extended and freewheeling conversations with Kothari. Weaving in and out of several contexts, ...
An engrossing and vibrant critique of globalization, this book will appeal to those interested in cultural and performance studies gender and minority issues and the impact of globalizaion on the actual practice of culture today.
The rise of Hindu nationalism in India has been an integral feature of political developments and cultural change over the last few decades. Accomplished by electoral means as well as by aggressive politics and vast media influence, the ascendancy of Hindutva has been the focus of serious attention in academic debates. Written in the aftermath of the Babri Masjid demolition, Making India Hindu brings together the work of eminent scholars to provide an ...
Set against a panoramic background to inter-Asian cultural politics, and drawing on the intersection of the late Meiji period in Japan and the Swadeshi movement in Bengal, this book elaborates on the ideals of Asia catalysed by the meeting of Rabindranath Tagore and the Japanese art historian and curator Okakura Tenshin in Calcutta in 1902. weaving through an intricate tapestry of ideas relating to pan-Asianism, nationalism, cosmopolitanism, and friendship, this ...