S. Bhatt

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Prof. S. Bhatt—an acknowledged expert in space law, has done extensive studies on the linkages between space exploration and environmental law and management. In the present volume, Bhatt presents a collection of over 15 of his papers presented at various national and international conferences. These papers discuss some contemporary issues relating to space laws and space treaties, besides dealing with aspects such as law and space research, research in ...
Issues concerning environment cannot remain local because the effects of environmental mis-management cross state and national boundaries. Pollution cannot remain the concern of the place where it originates because it goes on to affect a much bigger geographical area. Environmental activists insist that natural endowments can be better managed and effectively regulated at the local level. But, they also apprehend a dilution of regulatory enforcement at the local ...
The present compilation is an attempt to study the history of air law and air space management, with special reference to India and its growing interests in air travel. Various Indian scholars engaged not only in the study and research in air law, but also in the formulation and implementation of policies about air travel, and its management in India, have joined together under the auspices of the International Legal Studies Division of the Jawaharlal Nehru ...
This book relates to an important and emerging field of research in sustainable development and environment protection. It offers new ideas in law and science for sustainable development that mankind is exploring for life on this planet. The themes of Rio UN Conference of 1992 and UN World Summit for Sustainable Development 2002 relate to developing new economics based on the ecology of earth and with the assistance of new ideas of science for ecological use of ...
This book represents the proceedings of a National Seminar held by Kashmir Education, Culture and Science Society on 8 November, 2003 on ecological and environmental issues of Kashmir. Environment protection and sustainable development are subjects of common concern world over. Kashmir's environment forms part of the Himalayan mountain range. Kashmir has an important place in the ecological system concerning India with its forests, water resources, cultural sites ...
This book describes the role of modern environmental law for the protection of our planet and of our multi-cultural civilization. It analyses the shape of present world society, its interdependence and common survival. It explains the impact of space exploration, expansion of global aviation, the emergence of a biologist view of world order ever since the UNESCO held a global conference on Science and Synthesis. The major focus of this book is to seek harmony ...