Showing all 2 books
I need hardly apologise for offering these pages to the public. These are mostly reprints from the contemporary papers, of the speeches and lectures of my brother Sri Sarat Chandra, as to what he saw and learnt about the little known works of Indian Aryans, in the countries beyond the Himalayas during his sojourn in Tibet, and I have little doubt the inquiring public will find much in them to think and ponder on. It is an undoubted fat that Buddhism found its way ...
Closely on the heels of famine and epidemic killing about 50 lakhs of Bangalees in the year 1943, came the curse of partition, placing 2.5 crores of East Pakistan Hindus in the doldrums with their life and liberty tom asunder. In those darkest days of Bengal's misery. Bharat Kesri Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee came forward as the saviour and through incessant efforts, he was able to carve out the state of West Bengal and make it a part of the great Indian Nation. ...