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Various cultures have comprehended the Universe - its space, time, form, primal elements and the incessant movement of chaos and order - through the 'Mind', a unique faculty that allows us to reflect and communicate innumerable world-views. An Ancient hymn from India describes Man's first conscious reflection on creation as: ".. the contemplative Mind conceives of everything from no-thing...only Mind was there ... neither existent nor nonexistent.. That the ...
Dhvani (Sound/Nada) is a profound experience that envelopes us from birth to death. Yet it is not easily fathomed. Its description by an accoustic engineer is very different from that of a musician, a linguist, a city planner, or a neurologist. The IGNCA (Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts), New Delhi, organized a 2-day International Seminar: 24-25 October 1994, not only to understand the experiential, cross-cultural perceptions of sound, or not just to ...
The 26 essays in the book, in felicitation of Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan, attempt to conjure up the integral vision of art, exploring the underlying unity of different disciplines. These essays look for linkages that have existed within the arts, between the arts, and across the cultures, focusing on the form, content, vision of art in terms of time and space.
This book, with a foreword by Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan, incorporates Prof. Maurice Friedman’s lectures, discussions and exchanges which took place in the Intercultural Dialogue at many levels. The integral dialogical approach of Prof. Friedman within the framework of the human image, coincides with the holistic vision of the ongoing work at the IGNCA. Prof. Friedman’s major contribution in philosophy is in providing continuity to the new dialogical trend of ...