Showing all 2 books
This publication covers 26 technical papers in 296 pages authored by experts which were presented in the MGMI International Conference on Emerging Challenges in Mining Industry held on 26-27 September 2003. The main topics covered are underground mining technology, opencast mining, environmental management, mineral beneficiation and challenges to mining industry. MGMI, which is providing useful service to the mineral industry since 1906, has brought out this ...
The Present volume was originally intended to be a Felicitation Volume for the 80th birthday of Prof. Niharranjan Ray. But his unfortunate demise on August 30, 1981 compelled us to change it into a Commemoration Volume. In the course of his long academic career extending over three decades Prof. Niharranjan Ray has worked either alone or with his students upon a wide variety of subjects. Therefore, to expand the scope of the Volume an attractive variety of ...