Showing all 7 books
The fifth century B.C. is not so remote a period that it must always elude archeological research: the interval between the death of Buddha and the first information transmitted to us concerning him is not so considerable that we cannot flatter ourselves with the idea of discerning across Buddhism is a historical fact; only it has not yet been completely incorporated into history: sooner or later that will be achieved. Meanwhile its initial period remains, we ...
Weber's claim that Buddhism is an other worldly religion is only partially true. Early sources indicate that the Buddha was sometimes diverted from supramundance interest to do well on a variety of politically-related matters. The significance of Asoka Maurya as a paradigm for later traditions of Buddhist kingship is also well-attested.However, there has been little scholarly effort to integrate findings on the extent to which Buddhism interacted with ...
This book will serve as effective tool in conceptualizing the quality assessment models in health care organizations including in the state owned secondary/tertiary care hospitals. The good part of the book is its case studies which explain dimensions and perspectives of quality and provide adequate description of quality tools.The major determinant of patient’s satisfaction and sustainability using factor analysis will prove to be very useful for the ...