Showing all 3 books
The book provide with the elementary knowledge of taxonomy of angiosperms and a concise account of ecology. About ninety five important families of angiosperms belonging to both Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons have been dealt, which will meet the demands of pass and honours, student alike. As advances in plant taxonomy have been rapidly increasing during past several years, attempt has been made to treat each family on a new line of thought, particularly floral ...
At present it is a fact that changes in our living environment are much rapid than the progress of the human health protection techniques because we know the organism environment relationships only superficially. The rate of environmental changes, which is now faster during the life of one generation than previously took place during centuries, as well as disturbances in biorhythms, are the most dangerous symptoms of changes in ecological relationships. The ...
The book provide with the elementary knowledge of taxonomy of angiosperms and a concise account of ecology. About ninty five important families of angiosperms belonging to both Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons have been dealt, which will meet the demands of pass and Honours, student alike. As advances in plant taxonomy have been rapidly increasing during past several years, attempt has been made to treat each family on a new line of thought, particularly floral ...