Showing all 4 books
The book entitled 'Some Aspects of the Studies of Dharma-Sastra' is a collection of 21 papers of the author. Here some papers are based on the Mahabharata. Some other papers evaluate the Smrit work and the digest work. Two papers in this bunch take the survey of the work done in the field of Dharma-Sastra. Three papers in this bunch determine the nature of the contribution of the modern scholars like Mandalik, Gharpure and Gode. Three papers of this lot deal with ...
A religious institution with millennia of uninterrupted continuity, shraddha (broadly) is an individual’s homage, through certain ritualistic offerings, to the sacred memory of his ancestors. Involved in the shraddha-ritual is also, perhaps, the Hindu belief in the doctrine of metempsychosis. Shraddha-Sagara, written sometime during 1520-1620, by a celebrated scholar: Kullukabhatta, offers an authoritative, manifold exposition of this ageless ritual. Yet, in ...
If not peerless as an Indologist, Pandurang Vaman Kane (1880-1972) may have barely a few equals. A legitimate recipient of many, many enviable awards, including the 'Bharat Ratna' - the highest national honour in India, he was the distinguished Sanskritist, National Professor of Indology, Vice-Chancellor of Bombay University, Member of Parliament (nominated), and entitled 'Mahamahopadhyaya'. And was a prolific author too - his literary writings in English, ...