S Irudaya Rajan

Showing all 13 books
India’s Aged: Needs and Vulnerabilities discusses the most vulnerable aspects of elderly life-health and well-being-under the current conditions of economic and societal change. This volume explores (a) whether the nature of living arrangements has a bearing on the health outcomes of the elderly; (b) whether the real or perceived economic dependence and financial vulnerability of the elderly is conditioned by translation of capabilities into functioning; ...
Population aging, which is touted as the humanity’s greatest triumph, is also one of the greatest challenges of our time. Prolongation of life span does not imply that the extra years bring about continued health and prosperity. Ageing, marked by these trends, is said to put an increased burden on the social, economic, and health care demands in all countries, especially the developing countries, such as India. When considering the demographic ...
This book brings together some papers on Indian censuses and in particular the 1991 census. Among the subjects discussed are probllems of conducting the census operations and collection of data, especially at the field level, the decline in the sex ratio and in the population growth, the employment situation with the ocus of women and work, urbanization and the nature of demographic transition in India.
As a consequence of improved health care, declining mortality rates and the momentum of demographic transition, India's elderly population has been rising steadily and they now constitute a sizeable and growing proportion of the population. Despite this, there are as yet no thought-out policies and programmes directed towards them. The purpose of this timely book is to assist a better understanding of the socio-economic and demographic dynamics of India's elderly ...
As a consequence of improved health care, declining mortality rates and the momentum of demographic transition, India's elderly population has been rising steadily and they now constitute a sizeable and growing proportion of the population. Despite this, there are as yet no thought-out policies and programmes directed towards them. The purpose of this timely book is to assist a better understanding of the socio-economic and demographic dynamics of India's elderly ...
Historical demography is essentially a specialised branch of population studies which emerged only in the 1950s. Vigorous interest in historical demography has been witnessed in the last thirty years in France, England, U.S.A. and in other European countries. This is partially illustrated in the detailed list of 'References' in the book. Due to the paucity of annual series of data, it has not been possible to trace back the onset of fertility and mortality ...
The state of Kerala has been the focus of considerable international attention for its success in several key areas of the social sector including literacy, education, health and family planning. An area in which Kerala has done remarkably well is in demographic transition--namely, changes in the birth and death rates and in the age structure of the population. At the same time, Kerala has a relatively poor record in industrial production and agricultural growth. ...
The alleged population problem and its many presumed consequences figure prominently in the development discourse concerning India. Surprisingly, however, the fertility decline witnessed by South India--a region of more than 200 million inhabitants which crossed the replacement-level fertility rate in the mid-1990s--has received very little attention. This volume brings together 13 well-researched and original essays which describe and analyse the trajectory of ...
This book is dedicated to the memory of the late Professor Pravin Visaria, one of India’s most renowned demographers. In one of his recent writings with the senior editor of the present volume, he had termed the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) as a landmark in Indian surveys. With the subsequent rounds, the NFHS has emerged as a storehouse of social, demographic, health data in India. This book is the outcome of efforts made by a few researchers in India ...
This pathbreking collection provides something that has been missing in the literature in aging in India: studies of various aspects of aging in India combined with analyses of current policies, policy trends and recommendations. It examines aging issues from a variety of perspectives- demographic foundation, social and family relation, economics, health and disability, current interventions, and advocacy and policy. An Aging India also provides up-to-date ...
This book constitutes an attempt to construct a profile of migrants from Kerala to the Gulf region, on the basis of an extensive of survey of return emigrants and their households. The purpose of this study was to understand the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the emigrants at the various stages of emigration process prior to emigration, during stay abroad and after return to Kerala, Another important aspect which is discussed is the costs and ...
Over the past thirty years, the sociological study of ageing has progressed from being a narrowly focused and modestly sized, problem-oriented sub-field of disciplinary inquiry to its current status as a distinct, extremely wide-ranging endeavour that deals with many aspects of older people's economics, social and cultural lives. This volume brings together a broad range of theoretical essays and specific case studies by some of the eminent scholars in the field. ...