Showing all 3 books
Global climate change is a reality and it influences many complex and interrelated physical and biological systems. Recent climate change has already begun to affect species geographic ranges. The interaction between global climate change and regional deforestation may make tropical forests vulnerable to large scale degradation. The most recent report from International Union of Forest Research Organization suggests that in a warmer world, the current carbon ...
Business Organisation and Management is very essential topic for commerce field. This book is striving for the same. Opportunities in building career in management. This book is designed just to meet the needs of students and teachers. It endeavours to place before the reader the vast expansive scope, variety and dynamism of the field of management. This book presents the vast and completed the subject in forthright and intelligible way. The book is prepared ...
This book is a depictive account of the major Non Timber Forests Products (NTFPs) of India, which provide livelihood support to millions of Indians. The study of NTFPs was a neglected chapter in Indian science since recent past. In this book is an attempt has been made to cover all the important aspects of NTFPs that are available in India. The aspects of NTFPs, which needed immediate attention of NTFP managers, field workers and researchers have been dealt in a ...