S K Bansal

Showing all 18 books
"India is a developing country. Therefore the significance of mass media in this country needs on exaggeration. It can have great impact. Government of India has been taking several steps in educating the masses and bringing awareness through modern media. In spite of tremendous strides in urbanisation, industrialisation and mechanisation India is still far behind in many aspects. Flexibility in programming being the main characteristic of local radio the ...
The Dictionary of IT Terms is a major source book of Information and provides complete exhaustive indexing to key computer and information technology related terms. The language used is simple, lucid and explanatory to provide in-depth understanding of key concepts and mastering them. The book includes more than 1000 cyberspace words, abbreviations, terms, phrases and concepts. It will be extremely useful for IT professionals, Software Engineers, Computer ...
Plant Pathology deals with the diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, virus and nematodes and their management. The scientific principles involved in plant disease control, however came to light only with our understanding of the microbial nature of the diseases and the life cycle of the pathogens. The scientific approach to the problem has yielded fruitful results of great significance, mainly through the various control methods to combat various enemies of crop ...
Information Technology is essential to the economic and social development of the region. The widespread use of information Technology, the tools and techniques for gathering, manipulating, analyzing and disseminating information which was made possible because of improvements in computer and telecommunication technology. The increased integration of computer and telecommunications technology exemplified by Internet and associated technologies have led to the ...
E-business traditionally defined as commerce conducted via any electronic medium. Commerce can be defined as the exchange of goods & services on a large scale. The internet has changed the equation to a certain degree because it is new and constantly changing. E-commerce must be defined on broader scope. It is the integration of communication, data management and security capabilities that allows organisations to exchange information related to the sale of ...
The present book covers an interesting and contemporary topic of biotechnology and ornamental plants. This book starts with separate chapters on biotechnology and ornamental plants which gives an introduction with these topics. Biotechnology is closely related with plants and this has been elaborately described in the further chapters such as definition and classification of plant disease, plant biotechnology, plant tissue culture etc. This book attempts to ...