S.K. Chakraborty

Showing all 9 books
The accelerating spread of Mammon worship and commercialization of science, technology and academia, along with crumbling traditional norms have together led to increasing abuse of power in all spheres of life. This book examines the global problem from multiple perspectives. The essays focus on the manner in which people have used power for managing individual, social and environmental aspects of life. The theme of power is explored in a philosophical and ...
This omnibus comprises three outstanding books by S K Chakraborty, a recognized authority on the subject of management and ethics. The books focus on the need for value driven management and corporate ethics. The author provides here a substantive introduction on the theme.
The islands of Andaman and Nicobar situated in the Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean, with its characteristic physiography, climate, vegetation, etc., offer an ideal condition to support fairly rich termite fauna. But, the real faunal magnitude in these insular areas is known far less than our expectation. Whatever fauna known, is mainly based on collections made by the non-specialists. Many gaps in our knowledge still exist due to manifold reasons. Uptil now, no ...
In this collection, S.K. Chakraborty dwells on the east-west distinction in worldviews. The essays are reflective and deliberate upon philosophical differences and attitudes of thinkers that have shaped the behaviour of the common man, both in and out of the workplace. In this context Chakraborty discusses the thoughts and ideas of four modern Indian thinkers (Tagore, Vivekananda, Gandhi, and Aurobindo) and four western thinkers (Griffiths, Toynbee, Rolland, and ...
The translated essays in this volume reveal Tagore the Wisdom-teacher, an authentic voice of the East. In many ways he appears to be at his transparent best in these discourses given at dawn in the groves of Shantiniketan.Tagore may be said to be a complete model of Indian culture, founded as his life was on an unbroken synthesis and expression of tapas and ananda - ascesis and aesthetics, character and bliss. Tapas and ananda comprise the foundation of Indian ...
India has been blessed with bounty of nature. Our biodiversity is one of the richest in the world. We can be boast of having about fifty thousand plant diversity and around eighty thousand animal diversity. Occupying only four per cent of the geography of the world, we are possessing eight per cent of the world's biodiversity. The unfathomable spate of urbanizations, changing style of consumption and skewed depletion of natural resources have amounted to the ...