S.K. Dubey

Showing all 14 books
Railway Security Manual by S.K. Dubey is a comprehensive manual dealing with myriad facets of Railway Security. The author with his vast experience in security aspects of Indian Railways has compiled this manual in view of the fact that no comprehensive and up to date manual is available for readers in this area.
The book will be immensely useful in appearing for exams of RPF.
Notable Features of this manual:
1.Railways Act, 1989 discussed including the Railways ...
The present momograph on Khushwant Singh is an exhaustive critical survey of his three novels to data - Train to Pakistan (1956), I Shall Not Hear the Nightingale (1959), and Delhi (1990). Its main thrust is theme and narrative technique. It also takes into account the social reality and symbolism in them as well as certain prevalent socio-political ills afflicting our society today. It highlights Khushwant Singh's expert handling of the partition theme, his ...
High demographic pressure on land due to burgeoning human and livestock population in the country have led to large scale degradation of available natural resources, both in quantitative as well as qualitative terms. Degradation of natural resources is yet continuing and being aggravated due to continuous over-exploitation of soil, water and vegetation resources which is leading to frequent nutrient deficiencies, decline in soil health, in situ chemical ...
The recent development of molecular biology and genetic techniques in particular those that are increasingly being used in practical situations in fish biology fisheries and aquaculture has led to a gap in the understanding by many of the science behind these techniques and their correct implementation for maximum results. This book has been presented with great clarity and carefully explains the science and application of molecular and genetic techniques to ...
The present publication is designed to arrange diverse areas of environmental biology in a coherent manner. The subject matter, both as regards the arrangement of chapters as well as contents is designed to meet the requirements of the students in several Indian universities.
The present text has been designed for the students taking keen interest in marine life. This publication covers Science of Marine Biology; Ocean Water; Resources form the Sea; Sea Floor; Benthic and Pelagic Zones; Nature of Sea Water; Photic Zones; Nekton; Phytoplankton; Zooplankton; Marine Plants; Primary Production in the Sea; Food from the Sea; Coastal Zone; and Intertidal Zone. Efforts have also been made to include the solid basic science content needed in ...
This book gives a concise presentation of the main aspects of general ecology of animals and plants in the light of the latest ideas and current researches. It is characterized by the rapidly growing complexity and a bewildering diversity of Facts, data, aspects examples and findings. Efforts have been made to acquaint the reader with the current status of the various hypotheses, theories, principles, concepts and rules of ecology with illustrative examples from ...
This book is a comprehensive reference work covering net material, rational gear design, description of modern fishing gear and its operation as well as strategy and tactics of fishing and attracting fishes. It has been written primarily for the use of students who require basic information on fish farming. Emphasis has been laid on introducing basic as well as modern concepts. Special care has been taken about the simple language, subject matter and the diagram ...
This study attempts at projecting Prayag (Allahabad) as one of the four major focal centres of eastern consciousness. As a moving open university showing a continuum of spiritual and cultural traditions of over 2500 years, Prayag is a vibrant centre of the Indian vision of the world as one family and is, in fact, an epicenter of joy, divine contact and bliss, the much sought-after goal of the Hindu way of life. The study endeavours to explain that with deep faith ...
This book gives a deeper insight into the complex processes involved in this field of environmental toxicology and biotechnology, covering the basis of toxicology, herbicide resistance, chemical control and fundamentals needed to further develop effective methodologies. The book devotes detailed chapters to the main areas of environmental toxicology. It addresses the needs of researchers in academic and commercial environments, and serves as a guide for graduate ...