Showing all 3 books
Boro rice is globally emerging a top ranking cereal in potential grain productivity and is third after wheat and maize, sharing about one third of total cereal production. It is now an important ingredient of food, feed and a large number of industrial products. It has acquired a dominant role in the farming sector and in the macro-economy of the Asian region. Boro rice has a high production potential of 7.5-8.9 tonnes/ha with the possibilities of further ...
Today an enormous pressure of human population and cattle have led to a decline in per capita available cultivable land. The limited physical land resources are degrading and the existing waste land are on the increase. In this book an attempt has been made to define, identify, classify, recommend, suitability, classification, diagnose and suggests the use of Geo-technology for suggests the use of Geo-technology for reclamation of Waste lands in Madhupur Anchal ...