S K Kulkarni

Showing all 9 books
Sanatana Dharma,which later came to be known as Hinduism,goes back at least five thousand years.In the course of its long journey through the centuries,it evolved,transformed,flourished and sometimes floundered.A succession of invasions by foreign powers significantly changed the ancient culture,in many ways contributing to it s richness and at the same time damaging and redefining it. In this honest and introspective study of the history of Hinduism,the author ...
In ancient patriarchal societies, the birth of a girl was generally not welcomed. The daughter was considered the weaker sex and did not have an important role to play in family matters. During the Vedic period, as also in the ancient period, the birth of a female child was accepted although a male child was preferred. As time passed, the conditions for a girl in society changed for the worse, eventually leading to the heinous crimes of foeticide and ...
Practical Pharmacology and clinical Pharmacy is a new book which describes in detail the experimental aspects of pharmacology and incorporates the basic principles of clinical pharmacy practice exercises needed for undergraduate and postgraduate students of pharmacy. Both these aspects have become very important in the changing global scenario of drug discovery and the role of pharmacist in clinical pharmacy. The clinical pharmacy aspect has been covered under a ...
Focus is a compilation of articles on various topics covering a wide range of subjects. The author's keen observations of the world around him have been put across in simple and lucid language. This compilation has been organised under four broad categories-society, values, governance and foreign relations. Each piece by itself is concise, eminently readable and invites attention to a particular situation. As one goes through the articles they find facts, figures ...