S K Singh

68 books
The global power shift to Asia has primarily arisen as recognition of the stupendous rise in China's economic and military power, a transformation that has been under way for the last two decades or so. India stands strategically uncertain at the historicsl cross-roads when the global shift of power is moving towards Asia. India stands not only strategically uncertain but also strategicaly confused as to how to don the mantle of one of the two leading power of ...
Manual of liverworts and hornworts of Himachal Pradesh. Provides a conspectus of 142 taxa of liverworts and 10 species of hornworts. Methodology for the collection, preservation of specimens and preparation of samples, detailed taxonomic parameters for orders represented in the state, keys to different taxonomical hierarchy from genus downwards, detailed description of each genus, currently accepted names of the taxa, basionym and synonyms, if any, and their ...