S. Karthikeyan

Showing all 7 books
Microbes have been playing a key role by producing enzymes for bioconversion of various biomasses for biorefinery applications. This book on “Biocatalysts in Biomass to Bioproducts” summarizes state-of-the-art information on the logistics of biomass conversion to biofuels and related challenges to overcome in 13 chapters. The chapters have been contributed by the experts of the areas across the globe and these chapters offer concise and clear ...
Flowering Plants of India Dicotyledons Vol. I is a catalogue of Indian Plants from Acanthaceae to Avicenniaceae covering 18 families 483 genera and 2509 species, 34 subspecies, 285 varieties and 10 formae. They are arranged alphabetically. Photographs of representative species from all families are arranged in 31 plates. For each species, after the correct name followed by basionym, wherever applicable, synonyms mentioned in major floras are also given along with ...
The present publication of Flora of Maharashtra State: Dicotyledones is in continuation of the Volume I published in January 2000. In the first volume, 70 families have been treated besides exhaustive introductory chapters. This second and final volume deals with the systematic treatment of 91 families (Combretaceae-Ceratophyllaceae) comprising 1319 species, 13 subspecies, 67 varieties and 4 formae belonging to 527 genera occurring in wild and also 437 cultivated ...
The BSI is bringing out floristic account of the Maharashtra State in three volumes. The volume containing the account of Monocotyledones has already appeared in 1996. The remaining two volumes deal with Dicotyledones. It is estimated, that presently the state of Maharashtra is represented by 187 families, 1081 genera, 3025 species, 21 sub-species, 145 varieties, one sub-variety and two formas that occur in the wild. Besides, 844 cultivated species have been ...