“…West knew very little about the spiritual attainments of the Hindu society, its culture and its well-knit philosophy centuries and centuries before the advent of western civilization. It was during the last three centuries that the cultural heritage of the Hindu society trickled to the western countries in a big way. The pilgrim ambassador of India to the Chicago world religious Congress, Swami Vivekananda’s famous lecture about a couple of ...
Sadasiva was intrinsically and esoterically caught up by the maxim that one has to (phenomenally) die to (noumenally or spiritually) live for ever. Divine filiation it is, defying description of any human language, it being a reality of different inexplicable dimension. Phanindra's (Patanjali's) Aphorisms became divinely fortunate for us to be commented by H.H. Sri Sadasivendra Sarasvati Avadhuta in his vrt'ti, Ambrosia of Yoga, which excells and ...