Showing all 2 books
The book has 21 chapters addressing fundamentals and applied aspects of nano-technology in soil science and plant nutrition research and written by explorers of a new frontier. The interpretation of subject matter in each chapter is comprehensive, simple and lucid with relevant supporting data. This book would offer a platform for basic, fundamental and advanced learning for students. It would also be useful and informative to researchers from SAUs and ICAR ...
A number of theories have been mentioned to explain the theory of "Similia Similibus" coined by Dr. Hahnemann. Out of them, 4 theories are getting prominent- The Theory of substitution in which the natural disease is substituted by the artificial disease excited by medicines (prepared Homoeopathically) of small doses lasted only for a short time and the patient regains his Healthy state soon. Theory of Re-action-It is related to the vital force and not ...