S.L. Goel

42 books
Law and order administration is most important as without it there can be no development and enjoyment of life. However, in recent times, the problems of Law and Order are increasing in magnitude and direction as the societies are undergoing tremendous changes. There is no day without some protests, dharnas, agitation as the problems before any government to meet the needs of people are increasing at a fast rate. This phenomenon is spreading to all countries of ...
Cooperatives are the only institutions which are not profit making organizations but rather service organizations. Cooperatives are value-based organizations where employees, members and community lead a life of harmony. The cooperative values of democracy, equity, solidarity, etc. provide a strong foundation for building an ideal society. Communism failed in Eastern Europe earlier and capitalism is slowly failing in USA and Europe as their economy is melting ...
Education is of great significance for the socio-economic development of the country. Kothari Commission has rightly emphasized that the destiny of the nation is shaped in her class-rooms. Expansion inclusion and rapid improvement in quality throughout the higher and technical education system by enhancing public spending, encouraging private initiatives and making long overdue major institutional and policy reforms will form the core of the Eleventh ...
Government of India has made Right to Education as a Fundamental Right which pinpoints the importance of Education. Eleventh Five Year Plan observes that despite the expansion that has occurred, it is evident that the system is under stress to provide a sufficient volume of skilled human power to cater to the needs of the economy.This book on “Organizations, Administration and Functions of Higher Education” describes organisations in terms of their ...
Disaster whether natural or man-made are causing a great loss to all-human beings, animals, plants and resources-buildings, infrastructure and above all cause psychological problems, Disasters are increasing with the move to material civilization, urbanization, industrialization and greed. With this new cult, even natural disasters are occurring because of the disturbances in natural equilibrium caused by the greed and lust of human beings to exploit natural ...
Panchayati Raj was in existence since ancient India. After independence, Government of India was committed to set-up Panchayati Raj System to provide real Swaraj to the people of rural areas to come out of abject poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, squalor, disease, etc. The latest development in this direction is the Constitutional Amendment (73 and 74) of 1992 which aims to provide constitutional status to Panchayati Raj System. The amendment stressed the ...
With the growing urbanisation and industrialisation, the challenges facing our cities have also increased. Although the government has been undertaking several initiatives to solve the various problems, the challenges are immense. Ultimately, it is not only through government’s policies and actions, but also through the committed actions and initiatives of the community and individuals, who will refuse to turn the magnitude of the problem into an excuse for ...
This book discusses Supportive Services which makes the work of experts possible, i.e. Hospital Planning and Execution; Medical Informatics and Telemedicine; Consequent to and Refusal of Treatment; Health Manpower Planning' Computer in the Hospital Administration; Nursing Services and Hospital Administration; Records Management in a Hospital; Bio-Medical Equipment Maintenance Management Programmes; Materials Management with Special Reference to Equipment and ...
Slums are dangerous both for slum dwellers as well as the population of the city where slums are located. Cities are engines of growth and slum dwellers are integral and essential participants in its development. Hence, they need to be included in the mainstream of the society by increasing their productivity and decreasing the inequality in society. Therefore, the slums are part of urban life; hence urban local bodies should spare no efforts to eradicate it. A ...
Importance of mental health has always been in existence since time immemorial, but in the modern civilization, its serious effects on the physical health of the people, has become a cause of concern. Urbanization, overpopulation, competition, stresses and strains of modern life are adding to the mental health problems. We have studied as to how our environment has been creating stresses and strains. The need is to make environment harmonious through efforts at ...
Value are principles which direct our actions and activities. They are in-built in our society common to no only all the communities but also to all religions at all times. These values, if deteriorated will hasten or accelerate the breakdown of family, society and nation as a whole. The philosophy about values is that value should help any one to seek the real knowledge and goal of life in a righteous manner. It is equally important to ensure that the youth are ...
For public administration to keep pace with the fast-changing social, economic and political scenario, there have been simultaneous efforts to develop it as a discipline and a profession. The developed and the developing countries are keen to develop the theory, practice and philosophy of public administration to suit their specific needs. In the present book on advanced public administration, the subject has been discussed in all its aspects in seven sections ...
Panchayati Raj was in existence since ancient India. After Independence, Government of India was committed to set-up Panchayati Raj System to provide real Swaraj to the People of rural areas to come out of abject poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, squalor, disease, etc. The latest development in this direction is the Constitutional Amendment (73rd and 74th) of 1992 which aims to provide constitutional status to Panchayati Raj System. The amendment stressed the ...
The nursing profession is crucial to the functioning of hospitals as they are directly involved with the patients and their relatives. That is why nurses are considered by the society assisters. As nurse must combine scientific and technical knowledge along with communication, observation, and clinical skills. In addition she must possess personal qualities like sympathy, perseverance and skill of interpersonal relations. What is required is (a) To set-up ...
This book examines Preventive and Promotive Services like-Administration of Rural Hospitals; Health Care Policy and Administration in India; The New Millennium Rural and Slums Health Care in India; Role of Hospitals in Primary Health Care; Primary Health Care Administration in a Hilly State; Urban Health: Healthy Cities; District Health System; Health Education in the Community; Establishment of Community-based Health Service; Evaluation in Health; Administration ...
This book on Primary Health Care Management has been divided into 10 chapters supported by Charts, Tables, Graphs and Case Studies. Chapter 1st examines the nature and meaning of health suggesting the need of new thrust in 21st century. Chapter 2nd deals with nature of primary health care since the Alma Ata declaration. It also examines its likely thrust in the new millennium. Chapters 3-5 examine the features of primary health care or pillars of primary health ...