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Due to unprecedented growth in population and the resultant massive mining of energy resources, especially the non-renewable resources and also water resources, these resources have gradually become scarce commodities. Hence the geoscientists and the technocrats from all over the world have embarked into many fold research programmes for locating newer reservoirs of these resources and also to develop models to conserve and sustainably exploit them. As this ...
The book “Landslide Research- The DST’s Initiatives” is a compilation of over 21 Scientific articles on various aspects of Landslides viz: Overviews, Earth system processes and Landslides, Landslide hazard Zonation mapping, Geotechnical investigations, instrumentation and early warning of Landslides, Satellite based monitoring of Landslides, site specific investigations etc. These articles are the outcome of the studies carried by various ...
Geology is one of the important basic sciences as it not only deals with natural resources like minerals, hydrocarbons, ground water, geothermal springs, etc., but also with natural disasters like seismicities, landslides, volcanic eruptions, etc. Hence, this branch of sciences needs to be widely taught to all the cross-sections of students and the scientific community as all the developmental planning of the mankind depends upon the geo-resources, ...
Geomorphology is the study of external landscape/architecture of the earth’s crust which stands as a testimony not only for the palaeo morphotectonic and morpho-dynamic activities but also the present day geological processes as well thus making geomorphology significant in understanding the hierarchical evolution of the earth and related resources, environment/ecosystems and disaster proneness. With remote sensing deepening its roots in all ...
The Asian “Mega Tsunami†(2004) has struck most of the territorial nations of South Asia including the East coast of India. The NRDMS Division, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi, has conceived and executed an All India Co-ordinated programme on “Tsunami Disaster Assessment and Mitigation†through various, institutions of expertise on Geomatics in Earth System Dynamics and the related natural disasters. The Geomatics ...